Back exercises in 15 minutes a day (2024)

Back exercises in 15 minutes a day

Back pain is a common problem that many people deal with every day. Exercise often helps to ease back pain and prevent further discomfort. The following exercises stretch and strengthen the back and the muscles that support it.

When you first start, repeat each exercise a few times. Then increase the number of times you do an exercise as it gets easier for you. If you're beginning an exercise program due to ongoing back pain or after a back injury, talk to a physical therapist or another member of your health care team about activities that are safe for you.

Knee-to-chest stretch

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (A). Using both hands, pull up one knee and press it toward your chest (B). Tighten the muscles in your belly and press your spine to the floor. Hold for five seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg (C). Go back to the starting position. Then repeat with both legs at the same time (D). Repeat each stretch 2 to 3 times. Do the full routine once in the morning and once in the evening if possible.

Back exercises in 15 minutes a day (1)

Lower back rotational stretch

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (A). Keep your shoulders firmly on the floor, and slowly roll your bent knees to one side (B). Hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Slowly go back to the starting position (C). Repeat on the other side (D). Repeat each stretch 2 to 3 times. Do the full routine once in the morning and once in the evening if possible.

Back exercises in 15 minutes a day (2)

Lower back flexibility exercise

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (A). Tighten the muscles in your belly so that your lower back pulls up, away from the floor (B). Hold for five seconds and then relax. Flatten your back, pulling your bellybutton toward the floor (C). Hold for five seconds and then relax. Repeat. Start with five repetitions a day and slowly work up to 30.

Back exercises in 15 minutes a day (3)

Bridge exercise

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (A). Keep your shoulders and head relaxed on the floor and tighten the muscles in your belly and buttocks. Then raise your hips to form a straight line from your knees to your shoulders (B). Try to stay that way long enough to take three deep breaths. Go back to where you started and repeat. Begin by doing five repetitions a day and slowly work up to 30.

Back exercises in 15 minutes a day (4)

Cat stretch

Kneel on your knees and hands (A). Slowly arch your back, as if you're pulling your belly up toward the ceiling as you bring your head down (B). Then slowly let your back and belly sag toward the floor as you bring your head up (C). Go back to where you started (A). Repeat 3 to 5 times twice a day.

Back exercises in 15 minutes a day (5)

Seated lower back rotational stretch

Sit on an armless chair or on a stool. Cross your right leg over your left leg. Bracing your left elbow against the outside of your right knee, twist and stretch to the side (A). Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side (B). Do this stretch 3 to 5 times on each side twice a day.

Back exercises in 15 minutes a day (6)

Shoulder blade squeeze

Sit on an armless chair or on a stool (A). While sitting up straight, pull your shoulder blades together (B). Hold for five seconds and then relax. Do this 3 to 5 times twice a day.

Back exercises in 15 minutes a day (7)

Aug. 15, 2023

  1. Hartigan C. Exercise-based therapy for low back pain. Accessed April 19, 2023.
  2. Spine conditioning program. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Accessed April 19, 2023.
  3. Bydon M. Physical therapy. In: Back and Neck Health. Mayo Clinic Press; 2021.
  4. Dutton M. Lumbar spine. In: Dutton's Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation, and Intervention. 6th ed. McGraw Hill; 2022. Accessed April 24, 2023.

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  8. Herd immunity and coronavirus
  9. Long-term effects of COVID-19
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  11. Different COVID-19 vaccines
  12. Fight coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission at home
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  14. Hand-washing tips
  15. Heart attack prevention: Should I avoid secondhand smoke?
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  26. Mayo Clinic Minute: You're washing your hands all wrong
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  31. Personal health records
  32. Personalize your wellness journey
  33. Safe outdoor activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
  34. Sitting risks: How harmful is too much sitting?
  35. Travel Safety
  36. Using if-then statements
  37. Vaccine guidance from Mayo Clinic
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Back exercises in 15 minutes a day (2024)


Back exercises in 15 minutes a day? ›

Your healthcare provider may recommend that you do back exercises 10 to 30 minutes each day. He or she may also recommend that you do exercises 1 to 3 times each day. Ask your healthcare provider which exercises are best for you and how often to do them.

How many times a day should I do back exercises? ›

Your healthcare provider may recommend that you do back exercises 10 to 30 minutes each day. He or she may also recommend that you do exercises 1 to 3 times each day. Ask your healthcare provider which exercises are best for you and how often to do them.

What are the top 3 exercises for back pain? ›

Exercises like glute bridging, clamshells, quadruped, and squats are key components of a good low back exercise routine. Hip flexor and hamstring flexibility play a role in reducing strain on the low back as well. Know the difference between “pain” and “strain”.

What is the best exercise to strengthen your spine? ›

L'Italien recommends the "big three" exercises developed by Dr. Stuart McGill, an expert in spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada. They are the curl-up, the side plank, and the bird-dog. "These exercises engage all the important muscles needed to improve spine stability," says L'Italien.

What is the single best exercise for spinal stenosis? ›

#1 Walking For Spinal Stenosis

Walking is good, for spinal stenosis. Once your posture is changed enough the distance that you can walk will increase. If you can walk without pain with your new posture you are ready for the next step.

Is 2 exercises enough for the back? ›

To keep workouts from getting too long, or too overly fatiguing, you could do 1-2 exercises per major muscle group (quads, hamstrings, chest, back, shoulders) per workout (2-10 different exercises per muscle group per program).

Are three exercises enough for the back? ›

Three to four exercises can be enough to cover a full-body workout at the intermediate level, but it of course depends on your preferences and the type of movements that you are doing.

What is the number 1 back pain relief? ›

1. NSAIDs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduce inflammation in the body. Examples include Advil (ibuprofen) and Aleve (naproxen).

How to get rid of back ache fast? ›

Here are several options to consider:
  1. Cold and heat therapies. It's best to use cold compresses or an ice pack, not heat, immediately following a back injury, since this can alleviate pain by numbing the area and prevent or reduce swelling. ...
  2. Limited bed rest. ...
  3. Physical activity. ...
  4. Complementary therapies.
Jul 7, 2023

What is the best exercise for lower back pain for seniors? ›

Lower back rotational stretch

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor (A). Keep your shoulders firmly on the floor, and slowly roll your bent knees to one side (B). Hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Slowly go back to the starting position (C).

What vitamin strengthens the spine? ›

In addition to helping with the absorption of calcium, vitamin D keeps your spine healthy by maintaining bone strength. It also helps strengthen the immune system, which benefits your spine by reducing issues with inflammation. Dietary sources of vitamin D include: Milk and eggs.

How to train your back at home? ›

At–Home Bodyweight Back Workout
  1. 1 Wide-Grip Pushup With Tempo. Sets: 5 Reps: 5 Rest: 75–90 sec. Wide-Grip Pushup with Tempo. ...
  2. 2 Split-Stance Row Iso Hold with Towel. Sets: 4 Reps: Work for 20 sec. ...
  3. 3 Off-set Bent-over Row with Broomstick. Sets: 4 Reps: 15 (each side) Rest: 60 sec. ...
  4. 4 Plank Pull. Sets: 4 Reps: 30–45 sec.
May 26, 2020

What activities make spinal stenosis worse? ›

High-impact activities: Activities that involve high-impact, such as jumping, running, or contact sports, should be avoided as they can cause further injury to the spine.

What aggravates stenosis? ›

Walking, standing, or extending the lumbar area of the spine can cause symptoms to worsen. Sitting or flexing the lower back or neck may relieve symptoms. The flexed position “opens up” the spinal column, enlarging the spaces between vertebrae at the back of the spine.

What exercises should you avoid with lumbar stenosis? ›

High-impact exercise” includes more than contact sports like football or basketball. Any activities that involve running, jumping or climbing can cause damage or increase your pain. Some exercises with repetitive motions like Pilates, bowling or tennis can exacerbate spinal stenosis.

How often should I do back strengthening exercises? ›

It's better to do small amounts throughout the day. For example, practise your repetitions every hour. As this gets easier, and if you feel able to, add 1 or 2 repetitions to your movements every few days. As you become able to do more repetitions, it can be helpful to break things up into sets.

How many back exercises should I do per week? ›

Since the back is quite a complex muscle group, you should be performing 12–24 sets per week with 3–12 sets per session. This means that you would be training it 2–4x/week. Then, include 4–6 different exercises per mesocycle of that complexity of the back. And, of course, full range of motion on all exercises.

Is 3 sets of 10 enough to build muscle? ›

Do 3 sets of 10 reps 2 or 3 times per week. The benefit of this approach is you are working the muscles more frequently, increasing the stress on the muscle to cause muscle burn and stimulate growth. This is not a conventional approach to muscle growth, but we have found it does work.

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