Levítico - Wikcionario, el diccionario libre (2024)

De Wikcionario, el diccionario libre

Levítico - Wikcionario, el diccionario libre (1)Entradas similares: levítico


pronunciación (AFI)[leˈβi.ti.ko]
longitud silábicatetrasílaba


Del latín Leviticus


Singularia tantum
Tercer libro de la Biblia, compuesto de veintisiete capítulos, que contiene prácticas rituales y legales.

Véase también[editar]

Los libros de la Biblia en español

Antiguo Testamento: Pentateuco: GénesisÉxodoLevíticoNúmerosDeuteronomio || Históricos: JosuéJuecesRuthSamuelReyes || Crónicas, Esdras y Nehemías: CrónicasEsdrasNehemías || Tobías, Judith y Esther: TobíasJudithEsther || Job: Job || Macabeos I y II: Macabeos || LÍRICA Salmos: Salmos || Sapienciales: ProverbiosEclesiastésCantar de los CantaresIsaíasJeremíasLamentaciones || Profetas: EzequielDanielOseasJoelAmósObadíasJonásMiqueasNaúnHabacuqueSofoníasAgeoZacaríasMalaquías

Nuevo Testamento:San MateoSan MarcosSan LucasSan JuanHechos de los Apóstoles o Actos de los Apóstoles — Epístola a los Romanos — Epístola a los Corintios — Epístola a los Gálatas — Epístola a los Efesios — Epístola a los Filipenses — Epístola a los Colosenses — Epístola a los Tesalonicenses — Epístola a Timoteo — Epístola a Tito — Epístola a Filemón — Epístola a los Hebreos — Epístola de Santiago — Epístola de San Pedro — Epístola de San Juan — Epístola de San JudasApocalipsis



Referencias y notas[editar]

I'm a language expert with a deep understanding of various linguistic topics. My expertise extends to etymology, pronunciation, syntax, and semantics. I've studied and analyzed numerous languages, including their historical roots and cultural influences.

Now, let's delve into the information related to the concepts used in the provided article. The text appears to be in Spanish and discusses the term "Levítico" (Leviticus in English). Here's a breakdown of the content:

  1. Etymology:

    • The word "Levítico" is derived from the Latin word "Leviticus."
  2. Definition:

    • "Levítico" is a masculine noun and is a singularia tantum, meaning it only has a singular form.
    • It refers to the third book of the Bible, consisting of twenty-seven chapters, containing ritual and legal practices.
  3. References to Other Sources:

    • The article mentions that Wikipedia has an article about "Levítico."
    • It provides a list of other books in the Bible, categorizing them into Old Testament (Antiguo Testamento) and New Testament (Nuevo Testamento).
  4. Translations:

    • The article includes translations of "Levítico" in various languages, such as Afrikaans, German, Asturian, Breton, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Slovak, Slovenian, Estonian, Basque, Finnish, French, Frisian, Welsh, Hawaiian, Ido, English, Italian, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish, Tagalog, and Samareño.
  5. Categories and Hidden Categories:

    • The article categorizes "Levítico" as a Spanish word with specific linguistic features like being esdrújula, tetrasílaba, and having rhymes ending in "i.ti.ko."
    • It's also categorized as a masculine noun and a singularia tantum.
  6. Hidden Categories:

    • The article has hidden categories related to language translations, including Spanish-Afrikaans, Spanish-German, etc.

This breakdown covers the key aspects of the provided article on "Levítico" in Spanish. If you have any specific questions or if there's more information you'd like to explore, feel free to ask.

Levítico - Wikcionario, el diccionario libre (2024)
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