The Different Types of Teeth Stains and How to Remove Them (2024)

There are a few different types of teeth stains, and each one needs to be treated differently. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of teeth stains and how teeth whitening can help remove them. We’ll also provide some tips on how to keep your teeth white and stain-free!

Why Do Teeth Stain?

Unfortunately, teeth don’t stay pearly white forever. Stains on teeth are caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Foods/drinks. Coffee, tea, colas, wines, and certain fruits and vegetables can stain your teeth.
  • Tobacco use. Smoking or chewing tobacco can stain teeth.
  • Poor dental hygiene. Not brushing, flossing, and rinsing enough to remove plaque and stain-producing substances.
  • Disease. Several diseases that affect enamel (the hard surface of the teeth) and dentin (the underlying material under enamel) can lead to tooth discoloration. Treatments for certain conditions can also affect tooth color.
  • Medications. The antibiotics tetracycline and doxycycline are known to discolor teeth when given to children whose teeth are still developing (before age 8).
  • Aging. As you age, the outer layer of enamel on your teeth wears away, revealing the natural color of dentin.
  • Genetics. Some people have naturally brighter or thicker enamel than others.
  • Environment. Excessive fluoride either from environmental sources or from excessive use can cause teeth discoloration.
  • Trauma. For example, damage from a fall can disturb enamel formation in young children whose teeth are still developing. Trauma can also cause discoloration to adult teeth.

Types of Teeth Stains

1. Extrinsic Stains

Extrinsic stains are caused by external sources, such as food and drinks, tobacco use, and poor dental hygiene. They occur on the surface of your teeth and can usually be removed with professional cleaning or teeth whitening methods.

2. Intrinsic Stains

Intrinsic stains are caused by internal sources, such as aging, disease, medication use, or genetics. These stains occur beneath the surface of your teeth and may not respond to professional cleaning. They can only be removed with more advanced whitening methods.

3. Age Related

As you age, your teeth naturally become darker due to wear and tear on the enamel. This type of staining is known as age-related staining and is difficult to reverse with whitening methods.

How to Remove the Different Types of Teeth Stains

While some stains can be removed with a professional cleaning or teeth whitening methods, others may require more advanced treatment. Here are some tips for removing the different types of tooth stains:

Extrinsic Stains:

The best way to remove these types of staining is by regular brushing and flossing to reduce plaque buildup, as well as using a whitening toothpaste or gel.

Intrinsic Stains:

These types of stains usually require professional teeth whitening methods, such as bleaching or laser whitening.

Age-Related Stains:

In some cases, we can lighten age-related staining with professional whitening treatments. However, in other cases the best way to treat this type of staining is to wear a dental crown or veneer.

Professional Teeth Whitening with Premier Dentistry of Eagle

Regardless of the cause, staining and discoloration in your teeth can make you feel embarrassed of your smile’s appearance. You may even try to hide your teeth when you smile. If this is you, our dentist may recommend our Zoom teeth whitening treatment. Zoom in-office whitening is a safe and simple process that uses advanced and effective methods to leave you with beautiful, long-lasting results. In most cases, this treatment takes about one hour, in which our dentist will perform the following steps:

  • Clean your teeth
  • Cover your lips and gums to protect them from exposure to the whitening material
  • Apply a hydrogen peroxide gel to your teeth, and leave it there for 15 minutes
  • Shine the Zoom LED lights over your teeth to activate the hydrogen peroxide, which will penetrate the tooth’s surface and dissolve discoloration and stains.
  • Repeat the process of applying the whitening gel and shining the LED lights an additional 2 times

After you have completed your 3 15-minute whitening sessions, you can walk out of our office with a brighter, more confident smile! You will also receive instructions about how to care for your whiter smile at home, as well as a touch-up kit that will help your smile last longer.

Make an Appointment with Premier Dentistry of Eagle

If you are looking for a brighter, whiter smile and would like to learn more about our Zoom teeth whitening treatment, make an appointment with our dentist at Premier Dentistry of Eagle today. We will be sure to find the best solution for your individual needs in order to give you the brighter, more beautiful smile that you have been dreaming of!

The Different Types of Teeth Stains and How to Remove Them (2024)
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